Collaboration of local orgs is working to boost businesses in Kensington

Helping Kensington Thrive

A collaboration between several local organizations has distributed more than than $15 one thousand thousand in affordable loans to the Latinx community in North Philly—and it's just getting started.

When Casey O'Donnell and Daniel Betancourt first met in 2018, in an abased warehouse near A Street and Indiana Avenue in Kensington, they recognized in each other a vision that not everyone could share.

From the fifth-floor window, the two CEOs looked over blocks of row homes and empty warehouses, to what most people would run into equally blight and years of economic disinvestment. And for good reason: With over l percent of its population living in poverty, Kensington is one of the city's poorest neighborhoods. Once dwelling to manufacturing and textile mills, the neighborhood has seen these working-form jobs disappear steadily equally factories closed. The median household income in the area is $20,807—51 pct of Philly'southward median and 36 percent of the national figure.


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What O'Donnell and Betancourt saw, though, was potential—for pocket-size businesses, affordable housing, a vibrant and growing customs.

"He didn't see the problems," says Betancourt, president and CEO of the community evolution fiscal institution (CDFI) Community Commencement Fund, of O'Donnell. "He saw the opportunities."

This shared vision for the area drove Betancourt and O'Donnell, who is CEO of Kensington community development system Bear on, to begin working together in 2022 to revitalize the neighborhood.

A partnership is born

Soon, their organizations joined with ii others—community development organization LISC Philadelphia and FINANTA, a CDFI that has since merged with Community Start—to course the Kensington Lending Partnership (KLP), which has and so far given out $15.6 million in affordable loans for small businesses, affordable and mixed use development projects, and residential mortgages.

Casey O'Donnell of Impact Services speaks at a 2022 launch event for Kensington Lending Partnership
Casey O'Donnell speaks at the launch outcome for KLP in 2019. Daniel Betancourt sits to his right. | Photo by Chris Kendig

In particular, they accept targeted the Latinx community, which disproportionately struggles to get financing from traditional banks. So far, the grouping has loaned money to 300 Latinx-owned businesses that struggled to participate in the federal Paycheck Protection Program; provided loans and business organization advice to help a local bakery expand in the neighborhood; and invested in veteran housing and neighborhood resources.

The groups initially formed their partnership in club to utilise for funding through JP Morgan Chase's PRO Neighborhoods competition, which awarded KLP $five meg in 2022 to be used over three years to assist their underserved customs. In Feb, the grouping received an additional $530,000 investment from JP Morgan Hunt, as role of the banking concern's efforts to support small businesses affected by Covid-19 and the ensuing economic recession.

KLP plans to use the new funds to help build community wealth and to protect long-term, local residents who may be displaced by gentrification in the area.

"Kensington doesn't really take whatsoever anchor institutions. What we accept is partnership," O'Donnell says. "To brand that stronger and create an ballast requires a network."

Each of the four organizations that make up KLP brings different expertise in community development to the project: Touch on works with neighborhood leaders to address local trauma and trains residents to become real estate developers through the Jumpstart Kensington program (modeled on Ken Weinstein's Jumpstart Germantown). Customs First Fund finances loans for businesses and mixed-use evolution projects. FINANTA helps create first-fourth dimension homebuyer opportunities, in addition to providing loans for pocket-size business and consumers. LISC Philadelphia manages KLP'southward community development strategy and provides technical assistance.

"Kensington doesn't actually take whatever anchor institutions. What we have is partnership,"

O'Donnell says. "To make that stronger and create an anchor requires a network."

So far the programme has given out $6.1 one thousand thousand to small businesses, $5.7 1000000 to developers, $two.4 million to mixed-use projects and $450,132   to residential mortgages and consumer loans. These loans take led to the creation of sixty affordable housing units and have helped preserve and rehab another 148 units.

Latinx businesses and customs evolution

KLP's loans and education programs have supported minor businesses like the Puerto Rican restaurant and bakery El Coquí Panadería y Repostería. Yazmin Auli, owner of El Coquí, has received loans through KLP partner FINANTA.

In addition to the loans, Auli participated in FINANTA'due south Ella Emprende program, which helps concern owners create strategic growth plans and build connections to aid grow their businesses. The program is run in collaboration with Widener Academy's Small Business Development Center and the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Auli is at present planning to open a second location for her eating place later this fall.

"When I've needed FINANTA, FINANTA has been there," Auli said through a translator.

KLP's support for Latinx businesses owners is one of the major reasons Auli has chosen to work with a KLP partner. Latinx people brand up about 65 percentage of the neighborhood..

Nationally, Latinx businesses struggle to go loans compared to their white counterparts. When applying for loans over $100,000 from national banks, simply 20 percentage of Latinx-owned businesses obtained funding, compared to l pct of white-endemic businesses, per a 2022 report from the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative. Across loans of all sizes, only 51 percent of Latinx people received funding, compared to 77 percent of white people.

"You know, for Hispanics it is not easy to just walk into a banking company and ask for a loan, information technology's never been piece of cake," Marta Gonzalez, Auli'southward financial assistant, says.

In dissimilarity, 79 percent of KLP's clients identify as Hispanic or Latinx. "Many of these businesses are just disconnected from traditional banking," Betancourt says. "We came in with that cognition and the know-how to serve immigrant communities."

Broke in Philly logoIn add-on to the loan program, KLP organizations have worked together on a mixed-use projection near Allegheny Avenue and Emerald Street. Impact led the development project, bringing in 26 affordable housing units for veterans and the staffing firm First Step, which helps people get out of poverty through providing job coaching, transportation and housing aid. Community Showtime Fund provided the pre-development funding for the projection.

KLP isn't the only organisation developing mixed-use, affordable housing developments and supporting businesses in the area. The socially conscious development firm Shift Capital has also brought jobs, businesses and affordable housing options to Kensington.

In 2016, they opened Maken Studios which transformed two former warehouses into 260,000 feet of commercial space and brought 500 jobs to the area. In 2019, the group opened its beginning multi-family evolution, J-Centrel, which offers residents a rent intermission if they volunteer in Kensington.

Navigating the pandemic

Though KLP and other organizations take made strides towards encouraging development in the area, there is all the same much to be done. O'Donnell and Betancourt say that the Covid-xix pandemic has acquired significant setbacks for the neighborhood.

"The pandemic and all that came along with it, information technology's been a perfect storm," O'Donnell says. During the pandemic, small businesses were struggling because the loans they were receiving were only financing their losses. To help these businesses, KLP members joined a group that was advocating for the state authorities to allocate additional grant funds for small businesses. In Oct, Governor Wolf appear that an boosted $96 million in country grants would exist provided for pocket-size businesses that were affected past the pandemic.

KLP plans to use their recent $530,000 investment from JP Morgan to support Latinx borrowers in detail, who have struggled to get assistance through programs similar PPP. Latinx businesses often had less greenbacks on hand when the pandemic struck than white-owned businesses and they were half as likely to receive PPP loans.

"They kept us informed, and they did everything that they perchance could to get usa approved for all these grants and loans to sustain our payroll, inventory, rents and vendor payments," Gonzalez says.

Though the Biden administration has made changes to PPP, like extending loans to legal residents rather than only U.Due south. citizens, intended to increase support for Latinx businesses, KLP and their partners take stepped upwards in the interim.

"Peculiarly with Covid, whenever in that location'south city grants bachelor—or any blazon of grant—they accept reached out [to us]," Auli says.

"They kept us informed, and they did everything that they possibly could to go us canonical for all these grants and loans to sustain our payroll, inventory, rents and vendor payments," Gonzalez says.

Meanwhile, that warehouse that O'Donnell and Betancourt visited when first mulling a partnership? KLP hopes to develop a campus there, similar to the i at Emerald and Allegheny.

The 140,000 square-foot space will be transformed into 48 units of affordable housing, with some reserved for veterans and their families, and commercial space for small businesses and other tenants looking to serve the surface area.

Betancourt and O'Donnell hope that one time the space is finished, other people volition come, await out from the fifth floor and see the same potential they saw in the remainder of the neighborhood.

The Citizen is one of 20 news organizations producing Broke in Philly, a collaborative reporting project on solutions to poverty and the city'south push towards economic justice. Follow the projection on Twitter @BrokeInPhilly.

Header photograph by chrisinphilly5448 / Flickr


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