How to Cut Empty Space From End of Garageband Track


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Best way to delete empty space in a track?

I have several seconds of unused time on several songs I'd like to delete at the beginning. I find it easy to add silence at the beginning of a song, but not so easy to take it away. I've been around and around with online help, and just can't seem to get it. I have no problem selecting and dragging a clip to get rid of the dead space at the beginning. But, I find it challenging when I have multiple clips. Is there a very simple way to delete unwanted space at the beginning of a song?

PreSonus Firestudio Project, Intel 2 Quad 9550, Intel G45 Chipset, 2.83 GHZ, 8GB RAM, 500 GB HD, 1000 GB HD, Windows 7 Professional


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RE: Best way to delete empty space in a track? 2009/05/08 17:46:24 (permalink)

The info is under insert measures

Deleting Measures or Time from One or More Tracks
There are two methods for deleting time or measures:

If there is any audio or MIDI data in the area you want to delete, you can use the Edit-Delete command to delete the area that you select. Portions of MIDI clips may have no data in them: they have boundaries but no dark lines inside--if that's the case, use the following method.
If there is no data in the area you want to delete, you can simply drag any clips that come after the empty area to their proper destinations. You can also use this method if there is data in the area you want to delete--you just have to choose whether you want to replace the data in the deleted area, blend it with the data you're moving, or slide it over to make room.
To delete time when there is audio or MIDI data in the area you want to delete:

In the Track view, select the track(s) you want to delete measures or time from by doing one of the following:
Select a single track by clicking the track number.
Select multiple tracks by Ctrl-clicking the track numbers.
Set the Snap to Grid value to the unit of time you want to delete. For example, if you want to delete whole measures, set the Snap to Grid value to a whole measure.
In the Clips pane, select the measures or time you want to delete by dragging in the Time Ruler located just above the first track.
Select Edit-Delete.
The Delete dialog box appears.
Click the following checkboxes:
Events in Tracks
Delete Hole--if you want the data that comes after the hole to retain its same placement in a measure, check the Shift by Whole Measures option.
Click any of the other options you want to delete.
Click OK.
SONAR deletes the time or measures you selected.

To delete time when there is no audio or MIDI data in the area you want to delete (or if there is data, but you like to drag and drop):

Set the Snap to Grid value to the unit of time you want to delete. For example, if you want to delete whole measures, set the Snap to Grid value to a whole measure.
In the Track view, select the clips you want to move.
Drag one of the selected clips to its proper destination--the Drag and Drop Options dialog box appears.
Choose options and click OK.
All the selected clips move by the amount that you dragged the mouse.


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RE: Best way to delete empty space in a track? 2009/05/10 10:15:41 (permalink)

To delete time when there is audio or MIDI data in the area you want to delete:

In the Track view, select the track(s) you want to delete measures or time from by doing one of the following:
Select a single track by clicking the track number.
Select multiple tracks by Ctrl-clicking the track numbers.
Set the Snap to Grid value to the unit of time you want to delete. For example, if you want to delete whole measures, set the Snap to Grid value to a whole measure.
In the Clips pane, select the measures or time you want to delete by dragging in the Time Ruler located just above the first track.
Select Edit-Delete.
The Delete dialog box appears.
Click the following checkboxes:
Events in Tracks
Delete Hole--if you want the data that comes after the hole to retain its same placement in a measure, check the Shift by Whole Measures option.
Click any of the other options you want to delete.
Click OK.
SONAR deletes the time or measures you selected.

To delete time when there is no audio or MIDI data in the area you want to delete (or if there is data, but you like to drag and drop):

Set the Snap to Grid value to the unit of time you want to delete. For example, if you want to delete whole measures, set the Snap to Grid value to a whole measure.
In the Track view, select the clips you want to move.
Drag one of the selected clips to its proper destination--the Drag and Drop Options dialog box appears.
Choose options and click OK.
All the selected clips move by the amount that you dragged the mouse.

I played around with these instructions before posting my original message. I find this procedure quite cumbersome. It seems like there should be an easier way to quickly delete time at the beginning of a song without having to go through so many steps. I was hoping for an easier way, but if not, I'll stick with the above instructions.

Is there an instant way to select all the channels? Right now, I hold the CNTRL key down while clicking each channel. That's fine for a few channels, but when there are a lot, that's a whole lot of clicking...

PreSonus Firestudio Project, Intel 2 Quad 9550, Intel G45 Chipset, 2.83 GHZ, 8GB RAM, 500 GB HD, 1000 GB HD, Windows 7 Professional

Frank Haas

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RE: Best way to delete empty space in a track? 2009/05/10 10:23:16 (permalink)

ctrl-a selects all channels/tracks..

if you only need to delete the measure to eliminate the silence for exported tracks.. then you should, after ctrl-a, just select the range you want to export in the above time-ruler.. (ctrl-click starting measure, ctrl-click the end of the song,..export)


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RE: Best way to delete empty space in a track? 2009/05/10 10:43:47 (permalink)

1. decide whether you want to snap to a measure/beat, enable or disable "snap to"
2. ctrl-a
3. either: a. drag the entire selected project or 2. nudge ... or 3. slide ....

come on, this IS easy.


Someone said:
I've had more time to play with this, and am withdrawing the bug remarks.
This appears to work as designed and is actually a pretty cool feature.


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RE: Best way to delete empty space in a track? 2009/05/10 11:53:40 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: ronniebuss2 can simply drag your mouse arrow along the timeline and then select all tracks and hit cut and check the "delete hole" radio button and the silence is gone. I do this all the time rather than all the steps others have outlined...

O.K. ronniebuss, this information has been the most useful (and thanks to Frank Hass for the Cntrl-A suggestion). But, ronniebuss, I find selecting all tracks first, then dragging the mouse arrow along the timeline to select the time I want to delete is the only way I could get it to work.

In the online instructions, I was getting confused by having to go to the snap to grid. I generally leave mine at absolute value = 0 seconds. Using your method, I don't have to mess with the snap to grid, where I would also have had to change it back when I get done.

Yes, F@KKER, this is easy, once you get it figured out and do it a couple of times -sort of like riding a bicycle or picking wild mushrooms. But sometimes manuals make things a bit more confusing than they really are, don't they?

PreSonus Firestudio Project, Intel 2 Quad 9550, Intel G45 Chipset, 2.83 GHZ, 8GB RAM, 500 GB HD, 1000 GB HD, Windows 7 Professional


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Re: RE: Best way to delete empty space in a track? 2009/11/16 08:51:07 (permalink)

Dude; I'm totally with Mushroomman (how much time did you spend in the wilderness sorting all of them out, by the way? lol)..

Selecting and dragging totally throws your project off timebase (unless your need for truncation happens to fall precisely within the bounds of specified measure deletion, an ideal which is preponderantly less than tenable).

It seems all of this would be considered more of a makeshift way to execute the desired function if Sonar actually had an official counterpart to its INSERT function; alas, we are lost (along with Paradise)...

How to Cut Empty Space From End of Garageband Track


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